How do you say i in spanish - Quick Answer. hello = hola. Hola is the most common way to say hello in Spanish, but not the only one. Let’s check out some other ways to greet someone! Spanish. English. buenos días. good morning. buenas tardes.

Loved by Millions Worldwide. Millions of learners and teachers around the world turn to for our unparalleled Spanish language resources. The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over …. Wappingers csd

Are you interested in learning Spanish but don’t have the time or resources to attend traditional language classes? Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, it is now possi...the best spanish-english dictionary Get More than a Translation Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. adjective. 1. (sugary) a. dulce. We will serve a sweet wine with the dessert. Serviremos un vino dulce con el postre. 2. (pleasant) a. dulce (sound, music) It was good to hear the sweet sound of her voice again.Estuvo bien volver a oír el …copular verb. 1. (used to express a permanent quality) a. ser. The ocean is blue. El océano es azul. 2. (used to express a temporary state) a. estar. I'm not in a good mood today.Hoy no estoy de buen humor. The sky is cloudy. 16.6K. If you want to say “I want…” in Spanish, you would generally say, “Yo quiero…”However, if you’re expressing the phrase to someone who’s helping you in something like a store, hotel, or restaurant environment, you might instead politely say, “Me gustaría…” which translates to “I would like…” For all the complexities of Spanish verbs, …Nova Labs, the company that pioneered the “people-powered” Helium Network, has just announced a wallet-friendly new plan under its Helium Mobile brand that offers unlimited data, talk, and ...Tú vs. Usted. The translations of Have a nice day! given above are informal (tú) forms.If you're talking to someone older than you or someone to whom you want to show respect (a customer, for example), you should use the following usted forms: ¡Que tenga un buen día! ¡Que le vaya bien!; Singular vs. Plural. If you're speaking to more than one person, you …Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Word of the Day. la caja fuerte. show translation. 1. (used to indicate the future) a. no direct translation. It will be done by tomorrow. Estará hecho mañana. My package will arrive in a couple of days or so.Mi paquete llegará en un par de días. noun. 2. (determination) a. la voluntad. If you’ve ever come across a website written in another language, your browsing either stops short or you bounce right off to find a different website. Instead, you could translate...3. (to hasten) a. apurarse. Hurry up! We can't arrive late.¡Apúrate! No podemos llegar tarde. b. darse prisa. The girls need to hurry. Our reservation is at seven o'clock on the dot. Las chicas tienen que darse prisa.Feb 10, 2017 ... This is THE PLACE to jumpstart your Spanish knowledge about romance, learn how to say I love you and more pick-up lines!SAY translations: decir, decir, suponer, decir, poner, marcar, decir, decir, mostrar, decir, decir, decir, dar un…. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish ... Nov 10, 2023 · It works for all Spanish letters: á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ, ü. On the keyboard, simply hold down the letter you want to accent. Select which accented version of the letter you want. For example, holding down the n key will cause a box with ñ and ń to appear. You can then simply click on it, or type the corresponding number.a. dormido. My left hand is dead; I think I slept too much in the same position. Tengo dormida la mano izquierda; creo que dormí demasiado en la misma posición. 9. (technical) (sports) a. muerto. The ball is dead when the batter is hit by a pitch.La pelota está muerta cuando un lanzamiento golpea al bateador. b. parado.Thesaurus USAGE NOTE This word may be capitalized. The Sounds of Spanish How to Pronounce the Letter "I" in Spanish i ( ee ) feminine noun 1. (letter) a. i "English" no empieza con una i. "English" doesn't start with an i. Copyright © 2024 Curiosity Media …1. (I signify) Do you understand what I mean? - Yes, of course I do!¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir? - Sí, ¡por supuesto! 2. (I refer to) When I say "all the people around me," I mean you two.Cuando digo "todos los que están a …you · tú · usted ; say · decir · la opinión ; i · yo ; in · en · dentro de ; Spanish · el español ...Jun 2, 2022 · There is a misconception about using te quiero vs te amo when expressing the concept of “I love you” in Spanish. Although quiero often means “I want,” te quiero can translate to “I love you” in certain circumstances. The two phrases are used in different ways across the vast Spanish-speaking world. Amar means to love.Translate How to say i in spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. intransitive verb. 3. (to express) a. decir. I asked him who broke the vase, but he didn't want to say.Le pregunté quién había roto el florero, pero no quiso decir. noun. 4. (opinion) a. la opinión. (F) It's important that everyone have a say in the meeting.Es importante que cada uno pueda expresar su opinión en la reunión.Feb 21, 2020 · How to say I like you in spanish. This is a two word phrase. Me gustas.DONT CLICK THIS! - 1. (I possess) a. tengo. I have lots of free time this week.Tengo mucho tiempo libre esta semana. 2. (used as an auxiliary verb) a. he. I have eaten sea urchin a few times, but it's not my favorite.He comido erizos un par de veces, pero no son mi favorito. b. stock (. stak. ) noun. 1. (supply) a. la reserva. (F) I always keep a stock of canned food for an emergency.Siempre tengo una reserva de latas en la cocina para emergencias. The hospital keeps a healthy stock of O- blood at all times.El hospital mantiene una reserva considerable de sangre O- en todo momento.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. REGIONAL TRANSLATIONS Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Word of the Day. invernar. show translation. Get the Word of the Day Email.MapQuest is available in Spanish. Some other languages that are available on MapQuest in addition to English and Spanish include German, Italian, Portuguese and French. MapQuest is...interjection. 1. (used to express agreement) a. está bien. OK, don't worry. I will take care of it.Está bien, no te preocupes. Yo me encargaré de eso. b. de acuerdo. OK, I will go to the party if you come with me.De acuerdo, iré a la fiesta si vienes conmigo. c. okey.How to Say "I Love You" in Spanish. Quick Answer. I love you. = Te quiero. or Te amo.2. (I understand) a. veo. I was confused before, but now I see what's happening.Antes estaba confundido, pero ya veo lo que está pasando. b. entiendo. I see what you mean, but I still disagree.Entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero todavía no estoy de acuerdo. 3. (I visit)1. (used to indicate the future) a. no direct translation. It will be done by tomorrow. Estará hecho mañana. My package will arrive in a couple of days or so.Mi paquete llegará en un par de días. noun. 2. (determination) a. la voluntad.Congratulations on your big day! ¡Que cumplas muchos más! Hope you have many more! ¡Que tengas un feliz día! Have a great day! As you can see, there are many different ways to say Happy Birthday in Spanish, though Feliz cumpleaños is the most common translation. You many be surprised to find out there are also a lot of ways to sing Happy ...yu. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. cómo se. How do you calculate mileage? ¿Cómo se calcula el millaje? How do you know when to take it out of the oven?¿Cómo se sabe cuándo sacarlo del horno? b. cómo. adverb. 1. (manner) a. cómo. How did you get here so quickly?¿Cómo llegaste tan rápido? I don't know how to do this.No sé cómo hacer esto. b. de qué manera. How did you put together the machine?¿De qué manera armaste la máquina? 2. (degree) a. cuán. the best spanish-english dictionary Get More than a Translation Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Apr 4, 2022 · This video shows you How to Pronounce I (YO) in Spanish, pronunciation guide.Hear USEFUL SPANISH WORDS pronounced: Congratulations on your big day! ¡Que cumplas muchos más! Hope you have many more! ¡Que tengas un feliz día! Have a great day! As you can see, there are many different ways to say Happy Birthday in Spanish, though Feliz cumpleaños is the most common translation. You many be surprised to find out there are also a lot of ways to sing Happy ...chúpame la verga. 1. No one's going to lend you money because you never pay it back. - Suck my dick!Nadie te va a prestar dinero porque nunca lo devuelves. - ¡Chúpame la verga! You really can be a selfish bastard sometimes. - Suck my dick! Realmente a veces puedes ser un cabrón egoísta. - ¡Chúpame la polla!in Spanish. Quick Answer. How are you? in Spanish can be—depending on whom you are addressing— ¿Cómo estás?, ¿Cómo está?, ¿Cómo estáis?, or ¿Cómo están?. But those aren’t the only ways to say How are you? in Spanish.noun. 1. (telecommunications) a. la llamada. (F) I have to make a call to the bank as soon as it opens.Tengo que hacer una llamada al banco en cuanto abra. b. el llamado. (M) (Latin America) I got a call from someone in Buenos Aires.Recibí un llamado de alguien en …7. (to join resources) a. juntar. They pooled their money for the trip expenses.Juntaron su dinero para los gastos del viaje. b. mancomunar. We'll be more efficient if we pool our efforts.Si mancomunamos nuestros esfuerzos, seremos más eficaces. intransitive verb. 8. (to form a puddle) a. formar un charco.Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (F) A very informal word or phrase used by a particular group or community as a substitute for standard language (e.g., joint, john).2. (reproduction) a. el óvulo. (M) (human) An egg donor can help an infertile woman have a baby.Una donante de óvulos puede ayudar a una mujer estéril tener un bebé. b. el huevo. (M) Frogs lay their eggs in water.Las ranas ponen sus huevos en el agua. c. el blanquillo.May 31, 2021 · Or how to say “family” with any other possessive pronoun. Here are the answers: mi familia – “my family”. tu familia – “your family” (with tú and vos) su familia – “his/her/their/your family” (with usted and ustedes) nuestra familia – “our family”. vuestra familia – “your family” (with vosotros and vosotras)It’s always hard to say goodbye, especially if you don’t know how to do it properly. Here are some popular Spanish phrases to help you end a conversation: Adiós — Goodbye. Chao — Goodbye. Hasta luego — See you later (most likely today) Hasta …Apr 11, 2022 ... spanishvocabulary #spanishphrases #spanishpronunciation How do you say I need to go in Spanish Click the JOIN button to get access to PERKS ...1. (general) a. hablo español. I speak Spanish, but I'm having a hard time understanding your accent. Hablo español, pero me cuesta entender tu acento. b. hablo castellano. (Spain) I'm sorry, I only speak Spanish. I don't speak Portuguese.Lo siento, solo hablo castellano. No hablo portugués. 1. (I perform) a. hago My mom lets me stay out all night with my friends when I do my chores. Mi mamá permite que pase toda la noche fuera con mis amigos cuando hago los quehaceres. 2. (marriage vow) a. sí, quiero Do you promise to comfort him in sickness …Oct 24, 2019 · In translation to Spanish, dummy subjects are nearly always omitted. Llueve. (It is raining.) Nieva. (It is snowing.) Es peligroso. (It is dangerous.) Es muy común encontrar vendedores en la playa. (It is very common to find vendors on the beach.)noun. 1. (element) a. el fuego. (M) The fire from the fireplace created an eerie atmosphere.El fuego de la chimenea creó una atmósfera misteriosa. 2. (source of heat) a. la hoguera. (F) We made a fire and sat around telling stories all night.Hicimos una hoguera y nos sentamos alrededor contando historias toda la noche.Practice tip: Say the word butter (with American pronunciation) and think of the sound you make in the middle (tt). In American English, this sound is a tap. In American English, this sound is a tap. The Spanish rr is essentially many taps in a row, and you can practice it by saying the tt sound in butter over and over. Spanish numbers are essential to learn if you want to become fluent in the language. Read this guide to learn everything you need to know about numbers and counting in Spanish—numbers from 1 to 1 billion, grammar rules for using numbers in …You might think that how do you say in Spanish is always translated as cómo se dice. If only it were that simple! The translation for say can change depending on what is being said. For example: Let’s see how we can use these expressions in a conversation: …intransitive verb. 3. (to express) a. decir. I asked him who broke the vase, but he didn't want to say.Le pregunté quién había roto el florero, pero no quiso decir. noun. 4. (opinion) a. la opinión. (F) It's important that everyone have a say in the meeting.Es importante que cada uno pueda expresar su opinión en la reunión.The best way to learn Spanish is by speaking the language. Students can practice by speaking to others or can start out by speaking to themselves. A great tool is finding a native ...Jan 31, 2023 ... In most cases, “I” is pronounced as a short “ee” sound in Spanish. This pronunciation is similar to the sound of the English word “see.” Here ...Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Whether you are looking to enhance your career prospects or simply want to expand your horizons, mastering Span...Translate Thank you. See authoritative translations of Thank you in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. ... Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. REGIONAL TRANSLATIONS Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other …The Spanish came to America to spread the Christian faith and to expand trade. The Spanish colonization of America was started by the Spanish conquistadors. When they arrived, they...How to Pronounce i in Spanish - Spanish Pronunciation Guide of Vowels Spanish for Your Job 5.42K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 20 Share 9.3K views 8 years …Key Takeaways. The most common Spanish verb for "to want" are querer and desear, which typically are followed by an infinitive, a noun, or que and a verb in the subjunctive mood. When "want" refers to asking for or requesting something, pedir can be used. When "want" refers to seeking or looking for something, buscar can be used.1. Mostly used in Spain, this expression includes two interesting elements: the verb which , and the word , which means “less” although in this context that’s not what it’s expressing. Ultimately, it’s a unique structure which makes no sense trying to literally …Use no entiendo when you don’t understand someone’s words or what they mean. Comprender, on the other hand, suggests a deeper understanding, or lack of. Use no comprendo when you can’t comprehend a concept or what someone is implying. In other words, when you fail to read between the lines. Let’s put these verbs into practice! transitive verb. 1. (to ask) a. pedir. We requested a room with two beds, but everything was booked.Pedimos una habitación con dos camas, pero todas estaban reservadas. b. solicitar. The honor of your presence is requested at the dinner.El honor de su presencia se solicita en la cena. noun. 2. (demand) a. la petición.noun. 1. (telecommunications) a. la llamada. (F) I have to make a call to the bank as soon as it opens.Tengo que hacer una llamada al banco en cuanto abra. b. el llamado. (M) (Latin America) I got a call from someone in Buenos Aires.Recibí un llamado de alguien en …Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). The boy will take your suitcases up to your room, sir. ... Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Word of the Day. invernar.1. (to see) a. mirar. Always look both ways before crossing the street.Siempre tienes que mirar a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle. 2. (to search) a. mirar. I've looked everywhere, but I cannot find my glasses anywhere.He mirado por todas partes, pero no logro encontrar mis gafas por ningún lado. b. buscar. adjective. 1. (sugary) a. dulce. We will serve a sweet wine with the dessert. Serviremos un vino dulce con el postre. 2. (pleasant) a. dulce (sound, music) It was good to hear the sweet sound of her voice again.Estuvo bien volver a oír el …Quick Answer. hello = hola. Hola is the most common way to say hello in Spanish, but not the only one. Let’s check out some other ways to greet someone! Spanish. English. buenos días. good morning. buenas tardes.interjection. 1. (used to express agreement) a. está bien. OK, don't worry. I will take care of it.Está bien, no te preocupes. Yo me encargaré de eso. b. de acuerdo. OK, I will go to the party if you come with me.De acuerdo, iré a la fiesta si vienes conmigo. c. okey.A Spanish museum that came into possession of a valuable Pissarro painting after it was looted by Nazis has been ruled its rightful owner. The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid w...Apr 11, 2022 ... spanishvocabulary #spanishphrases #spanishpronunciation How do you say I need to go in Spanish Click the JOIN button to get access to PERKS ...“Please do not do this,” the police said. “If you can successfully place a non-emergency call to another number via your cell service then your 911 service will also work.”b. vuestro (plural) (Spain) I will return your quizzes on Monday.Devolveré vuestras pruebas el lunes. Your car is parked in the parking lot.Vuestro coche está aparcado en el aparcamiento. 3. (impersonal) a. no direct translation. Barnes&Noble Nook App Store for Nook Color and Nook Tablet 21, 2020 · How to say I like you in spanish. This is a two word phrase. Me gustas.DONT CLICK THIS! - to Say “I’m Hungry” in Spanish. Quick Answer. I’m hungry. = Tengo hambre. Hold On…. Doesn’t Tengo Mean I Have? If you’re confused about why you use tengo instead of soy or estoy for I am, you’re not alone! The irregular verb tener ( to have) is one of the more difficult Spanish verbs to use correctly, as it has a variety of ...Discover and learn these English words with Reverso Context. English naughty posh locksmith oath strap hitchhiking snatch indulge sword shed. Spanish temeroso despedir concertar presumir aduana acabado despilfarro zumbido apuesta. Find the Spanish translations in context of English words, expressions and idioms; a free English-Spanish ... This video shows you how to pronounce, How to Say Ángel in Spanish (translation, Pronunciation guide).Hear USEFUL SPANISH WORDS pronounced: https://www.youtu...Equis Marks the Spot. The equis is usually pronounced like the ks in English socks. However, in place and person names (especially those from Mexico), it can be pronounced like a raspy English h, an s, or even the sh in English show. Let's finish up by seeing how the abecedario is used in everyday life!intransitive verb. 3. (to behave in a silly way; used with "about" or around") a. tontear. Sam's always monkeying around in class and I can't concentrate.Sam siempre anda tonteando en clase y no puedo concentrarme. 4. (to meddle with; used with "with") a. jugar con. Fans of the series were upset that they'd monkeyed with the storyline to such a ...This video shows you How to Pronounce Y in Spanish, pronunciation guide.Hear USEFUL SPANISH WORDS pronounced: (to see) a. mirar. Always look both ways before crossing the street.Siempre tienes que mirar a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle. 2. (to search) a. mirar. I've looked everywhere, but I cannot find my glasses anywhere.He mirado por todas partes, pero no logro encontrar mis gafas por ningún lado. b. buscar.1. (to see) a. mirar. Always look both ways before crossing the street.Siempre tienes que mirar a ambos lados antes de cruzar la calle. 2. (to search) a. mirar. I've looked everywhere, but I cannot find my glasses anywhere.He mirado por todas partes, pero no logro encontrar mis gafas por ningún lado. b. buscar.Equis Marks the Spot. The equis is usually pronounced like the ks in English socks. However, in place and person names (especially those from Mexico), it can be pronounced like a raspy English h, an s, or even the sh in English show. Let's finish up by seeing how the abecedario is used in everyday life! Romantic Ways to Say “I Love You” in Spanish. Eres mi media naranja — You are my half orange. Te quiero tanto — I love you so much. Te adoro — I adore you. Te necesito — I need you. Me vuelves loco — You drive me crazy. Eres mi alma gemela — …yu. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. cómo se. How do you calculate mileage? ¿Cómo se calcula el millaje? How do you know when to take it out of the oven?¿Cómo se sabe cuándo sacarlo del horno? b. cómo. 1. (I get along with you) a. me caes bien. You get straight to the point; that's why I like you.Vas directamente al grano; es por eso que me caes bien. 2. (I'm interested in you romantically) a. me gustas. I like you, Mary. Free Spanish translation from Most accurate translations. Over 1 million words and phrases. Translate English to Spanish to English. Learn Spanish. ... Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish …it is cold when winter begins. hace frío cuando empieza el invierno. spring, summer, fall, and winter. primavera, verano, otoño e invierno. my favorite season is winter. mi estación favorita es el invierno. winter is coming. se acerca el invierno. every Spanish. Quick Answer. How are you? in Spanish can be—depending on whom you are addressing— ¿Cómo estás?, ¿Cómo está?, ¿Cómo estáis?, or ¿Cómo están?. But those aren’t the only ways to say How are you? in Spanish. a. dormido. My left hand is dead; I think I slept too much in the same position. Tengo dormida la mano izquierda; creo que dormí demasiado en la misma posición. 9. (technical) (sports) a. muerto. The ball is dead when the batter is hit by a pitch.La pelota está muerta cuando un lanzamiento golpea al bateador. b. parado.How do i say in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - how do i say how do I say Add to list cómo digo Dictionary Examples Pronunciation how do I say ( hau du ay sey ) phrase 1. (general) a. cómo digo How do I say in your language "check, …

1. (I signify) Do you understand what I mean? - Yes, of course I do!¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir? - Sí, ¡por supuesto! 2. (I refer to) When I say "all the people around me," I mean you two.Cuando digo "todos los que están a mi alrededor", me refiero a ustedes dos. 3. . Parent hood show

how do you say i in spanish

Quick Answer The letter i in Spanish is pronounced like the letter groups ee in free or ea in leave, but much shorter than in English. Compare the sound of the ee and ea in free and leave with the i in their Spanish translations, libre and irse. Written Vowels vs. Vowel …Quick Answer. I speak a little Spanish. = Hablo un poco de español. or Hablo muy poco español. Saying " Hablo un poco de español. " puts a positive spin on things. It's like saying " Yes, I do speak a little Spanish. Saying " Hablo muy poco español. " puts a negative or apologetic spin on things. It's like saying " I'm sorry, I don't speak ...Translate How do you say ... ?. See authoritative translations of How do you say ... ? in Spanish with audio pronunciations.wihrd. ) adjective. 1. (strange) a. raro. There are some very weird creatures living in the ocean.Hay algunas criaturas raras que viven en el mar. b. extraño. It seems to be a tradition to wear weird hats to the Kentucky Derby. Parece ser una tradición llevar sombreros extraños al Derby de Kentucky.stock (. stak. ) noun. 1. (supply) a. la reserva. (F) I always keep a stock of canned food for an emergency.Siempre tengo una reserva de latas en la cocina para emergencias. The hospital keeps a healthy stock of O- blood at all times.El hospital mantiene una reserva considerable de sangre O- en todo momento.Are you interested in learning Spanish? Whether you have plans to travel to a Spanish-speaking country or simply want to expand your language skills, learning Spanish can be a rewa...b. vuestro (plural) (Spain) I will return your quizzes on Monday.Devolveré vuestras pruebas el lunes. Your car is parked in the parking lot.Vuestro coche está aparcado en el aparcamiento. 3. (impersonal) a. no direct translation. Apr 3, 2020 · written by Rosetta Stone April 3, 2020. If you want to say “I want…” in Spanish, you would generally say, “Yo quiero…”. However, if you’re expressing the phrase to someone who’s helping you in something like a store, hotel, or restaurant environment, you might instead politely say, “Me gustaría…” which translates to “I ... Thesaurus USAGE NOTE This word may be capitalized. The Sounds of Spanish How to Pronounce the Letter "I" in Spanish i ( ee ) feminine noun 1. (letter) a. i "English" no empieza con una i. "English" doesn't start with an i. Copyright © 2024 Curiosity Media …Quick Answer The letter i in Spanish is pronounced like the letter groups ee in free or ea in leave, but much shorter than in English. Compare the sound of the ee and ea in free and leave with the i in their Spanish translations, libre and irse. Written Vowels vs. Vowel …This Spanish letter can also have two pronunciations. You can pronounce it as [g] or [γ] also depending on its position in a word. At the beginning of a word spoken in isolation, pronounced after a pause, or after a nasal consonant, you’ll hear and …noun. 1. (relative) a. la hermana. (F) I'm going to the beach with my sister and my brother.Voy a ir a la playa con mi hermana y mi hermano. b. la ñaña.2. (reproduction) a. el óvulo. (M) (human) An egg donor can help an infertile woman have a baby.Una donante de óvulos puede ayudar a una mujer estéril tener un bebé. b. el huevo. (M) Frogs lay their eggs in water.Las ranas ponen sus huevos en el agua. c. el blanquillo.Practice tip: Say the word butter (with American pronunciation) and think of the sound you make in the middle (tt). In American English, this sound is a tap. In American English, this sound is a tap. The Spanish rr is essentially many taps in a row, and you can practice it by saying the tt sound in butter over and over. Spanish-English Translation See word explanations, example sentences and more.stock (. stak. ) noun. 1. (supply) a. la reserva. (F) I always keep a stock of canned food for an emergency.Siempre tengo una reserva de latas en la cocina para emergencias. The hospital keeps a healthy stock of O- blood at all times.El hospital mantiene una reserva considerable de sangre O- en todo momento.Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Word of the Day. calentar. show translation. the best spanish-english dictionary Get More than a Translation Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. .

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